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About Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) and the Science Consortium of Minority Schools (SCMS)

A science consortium of minority schools (SCMS) has been established to provide technical support and services to identified historical black colleges and universities.  The technical support and services will provide additional enhancements to the colleges and universities current curriculum to increase the number/percentage of African-American students, especially women, who will enroll, graduate, and select careers in science and engineering fields. Meharry Medical College along with its partner Fisk University will lead the Science Consortium. The four minority member institutions have been selected based on their long-term track record with implementing STEM summer, undergraduate and advanced degree programs; the connectedness and relationship with each other in STEM and other science programming for a variety of students and training of STEM faculty; and external funding for STEM from the Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP). The member institutions are 1) Tennessee State University; 2) LeMoyne-Owen College in Memphis, Tennessee; 3) Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee; and 4) Paine College in Augusta, Georgia.

Each minority college and university in the consortium has the potential of contributing to the nation’s diverse pool of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professionals. This new consortium will enhance each member’s effort to recruit, enroll, and graduate a competitive pool of students in science and engineering by individual schools and collectively. The SCMS, by bringing additional shared resources, will be able to provide external technical and assessment support to collaborate and share resources across and between schools. The institutions will provide a pathway for coordinating STEM summer sessions; share faculty by having them teach through webinars and podcasts; and provide students with more access to scholarships, fellowships, mentors, and courses in science and engineering. Additionally, the SCMS can provide alternative methods for developing focused STEM team in-service staff and faculty development training that could be academically enriching to the students. The Consortium’s goal is to increase the number of African-American and women graduates who are and will enroll in degreed science and engineering programs at member and other schools and will choose careers in STEM.


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